Loving nursery caregivers provide a safe and clean environment for your babies. Parents can have peace of mind while they attend one of our Bible classes and any worship service.
Jesus loves children, and so do we! Peoples Baptist Kids is designed with your child in mind! Kids experience safe, age-appropriate environments where the Bible is taught in a creative and Christ-honoring way. We value the connections children build in the Sunday school environment.
We love our students! Our youth group exists so teens can develop relationships that help grow their relationship with Jesus. Teens need to be personally known and spiritually grown. The youth group is designed to help forge relationships, enjoy shared activity, and find a place to belong.
We aim for these classes to serve as an opportunity for studying God’s Word and fostering connections with fellow believers. We are fortunate to have capable and impactful church members who lead classes with Biblical understanding, humor, and wisdom. The Bible sessions at Peoples Baptist consistently inspire and remain impactful for our entire congregation. Every class at our church prioritizes spiritual development and provides practical, age-appropriate lessons from the Bible.
Bus Ministry
Peoples Baptist Church is widely recognized in our community for its impactful bus ministry. This outreach has touched thousands of lives in the Mansfield area, bringing the Gospel to many who might never have discovered Jesus otherwise. Through the dedication of our volunteers, countless souls have been saved, families strengthened, and communities transformed. If you're local and interested, we'd be thrilled to bring you to church on one of our buses.